Sunday, October 29, 2006

Conversation skills

I have not been by myself to a bar in ages (in fact am not sure I have ever done it), and it was character building to walk into the Alley just down the road from the Nine Zero and nurse myself a drink in the corner. Granted, I spent most of the time texting and avoiding eye contact (wasnt much to see in any case), but it was a start. My next attempt in the Fritz, tonight, goes slightly better. Walked in, got conversation going and everything, although the poor guy I was talking to probably thought it was leading someplace else. Odd how, at this point of my life, that felt like a minor achievement.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Old and New England

Just my luck. My first expenses-paid weekend on the company, and Boston decides to have one of its twice yearly downpours. Still, I like what I could see through the wet - lots of civilized shopping, lovely 19C architecture (if a little Dr Strange mod-gothic), and that beautiful beautiful foliage. It strikes me how much like London this is (but cleaner, more spacious and with more organized shopping). If the weather report is right I may get to see some of it tomorrow.

Thursday, October 19, 2006


I knew I shouldn't have introduced him to blogging.

Afterthought: Or maybe not, judging from this fine piece of lyrical legerdemain. We're all proud of you, dear.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

And so it begins

This has been a while coming - this is about as good a time as any to start. I have to admit I never understood (and perhaps still do not understand) the concept of why people would want to publish their thoughts online, or who these thoughts are recorded for.

Maybe I will find out more once I start. Or maybe I will give up after the first month (week?).

Let's see how long I last.